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    Scottish Terrier

    The Aristocrat with a Barking Problem

    The Scottish Terrier, or “Scottie,” is a breed that oozes class and personality. These little dogs have been around for centuries and are known for their distinctive wiry coats and their dignified, yet sometimes stubborn, nature. Despite their aristocratic air, Scotties are surprisingly down-to-earth and love a good game of fetch (or a brief chase after a squirrel).

    Bred in Scotland to hunt vermin, Scotties are independent and fiercely loyal. They’re not the type of dog to wag their tail constantly or roll over for belly rubs (they’re too dignified for that), but they do love their families and will make excellent companions for anyone who respects their independence. Their bark is loud and assertive—perhaps a little too much at times—but they’re also known for their bravery and determination. Don’t let their small size fool you; these dogs have the heart of a lion and will go to great lengths to protect their home and family.

    Scotties do require regular grooming to maintain their distinctive wiry coats, but once you’ve got them looking their best, you’ll have a loyal companion who’ll sit with you for hours while sharing their wisdom (even if you’re not entirely sure what they’re saying).